Wednesday, October 01, 2008

I'm voting for giant douche.

I'm voting for giant douche.

Here is the relevant episode of South Park on the off chance you haven't seen it.

I actually find it kind of amazing in a sad sort of way how it seems so many people have made decisions on who to vote for based seemingly on ads before there have been any real debates or without checking as many primary sources as possible for factual information about the candidates. A lot of "discussions" i've read and seen could be textbook cases of ad hominem attacks and all kinds of logical fallacies. It also seems to degenerate into a whole lot of petty name calling and herd mentality like a bad sports team rivalry. What's really sad is that it's usually a 51% to 49% victory.

I've read that the two party system is an inevitable consequence of the first past the post or plurality voting system that is used in the US. Other countries with working multiple political parties use other systems like approval voting or instant runoff or something else. A ranking system for candidates would seem to make much more sense.

In the original Constitution, candidates only ran for the office of President. Whomever got the most votes became President, the candidate who got the second most number of votes became Vice President.

How about something crazy like a balanced budget amendment for the Federal government?

Get rid of riders on bills. Each bill should have one and only one subject. These could actually turn out to be a win for government officials since it should get rid of the "i voted for it before i voted against it" type of junk.

A bill that gets passed unanimously is currently treated equally to a law that barely got passed with one vote. That seems stupid. It would make more sense to have the duration of the law be tied to how well it got passed. I think if a law gets passed unanimously, it can be a permanent law. Otherwise, maybe if it got passed with a supermajority it gets to be a law for 5 years before it gets reviewed. If a law barely got passed, it goes up for review in one year.

Get rid of party affiliations on ballots. If a voter can't remember or write down the candidate's full name, they shouldn't vote for them.

Gerrymandering districts so they look like some horrible modern art piece is a bunch of male bovine fecal matter. The boundaries should just follow geography, state boundaries, then be geometrically convex.

I guess this has turned into sort of a rant. I guess i would be much more impressed with "change" as the theme of this year's elections if it was a real fundamental change that wasn't tied to a person and a change in the system to really make it better.

Oh well, back to killing zombies for a while.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Today is still Constitution Day and Citizenship Day

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Warning: Science Content

I've been a fan of Mythbusters for a few years now, but since there's been a lot of publicity about the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) including some silly quotes about the possibility of it destroying the Earth by creating a black hole, the phrase "Warning: Science Content" has become annoying to me. I still like the show, but i think that phrase perpetuates a bad attitude. Science works and should be perceived as being cool. It's not perfect, but its' the best tool that we have. It's spawned GPS, lasers, MRIs, the Internet (BTW CERN where the LHC is located could also be considered the birthplace of the WWW as that is where Tim Berners-Lee was when he first detailed the idea), antibiotics, vaccines, computers, and those plasma ball things along with pretty much everything else that makes life better.

So i think it should be "Yay! Science!"

Oh, there are cosmic rays that hit the Earth with much more power than anything that the LHC can hope could generate and the Earth is still here.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

First post, or i blog therefore i am.

This is the start of my Redundant Web of Independent Blogs (RWOIB), sort of a silly play on RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks). The chances of Yahoo! (360), Google (Blogger/Blogspot), LiveJournal, and MySpace all going down simultaneously should be fairly slim, though MySpace seems to go down more than a(n) ______ at a(n)_____. This also makes things really easy for anybody who might care to comment on anything i post. I'm fully capable of getting a domain name and running everything on my own server, but considering it's what i 've been doing as a day job for over a decade, it's not quite as cool to me as it once might have been. For a brief instant i thought it might've been cool to multi-home a home server and play with some more advanced networking stuff since DSL and cable modems are both available where i'm at.

Personally i've never cared much for the term "blog" though i suppose it's shorter and easier to write than "online journal". Blogs always seemed a bit narcissistic to me but i have realized that i've lurked and read many blogs online for years. I've decided to attempt to blog to hopefully improve the signal to noise ratio of the Internet. Well that reason is somewhat tongue in cheek. I also hope to improve or at least maintain my writing skills.

Instead of taking the time to code up a program that automatically interfaces to all of those websites, especially since some don't have a workable API, i'm going the low tech route, just using a local text editor and copy and paste. Considering the stateless nature of http, it's probably better than the embedded editors on the websites since those can just make entries disappear when the network hiccups. I'm not sure what i'll write about yet since my interests and thoughts do tend to wander. I'll probably not write anything too personal since there is no such thing as privacy on the Internet. Contrary to whatever companies may lead people to believe or whatever settings are available, if something is online, it will be crawled, cached, and archived by countless bots, or downloaded and saved, etc., regardless of whatever somebody may try to do.

Then again, who knows, maybe i'm taking the Internet too seriously.