Tuesday, December 30, 2014

It would be nice if more police chiefs were like the Nashville Chief of Police

Steven Anderson, Nashville Chief of Police, writes excellent responses to a letter directed at him from a citizen.

• Has consideration been given as to whether the response of the police department “help or hurt the community.”

It is our view that every decision made within the police department should be made with the community in mind. Obviously, there are some matters in which we have no discretion. On matters in which we do have discretion, careful consideration is given as to the best course of action, always with the welfare of the general public in mind.

That has been the consideration on this issue. Certainly, in comparing the outcome here in Nashville with what has occurred in some other cities, the results speak for themselves. I stand on the decisions that have been made.

• “These actions are putting the department at disharmony from the majority of the citizens.”

While I don’t doubt that you sincerely believe that your thoughts represent the majority of citizens, I would ask you to consider the following before you chisel those thoughts in stone.

As imperfect humans, we have a tendency to limit our association with other persons to those persons who are most like us. Unfortunately, there is even more of a human tendency to stay within our comfort zone by further narrowing those associations to those persons who share our thoughts and opinions. By doing this we can avoid giving consideration to thoughts and ideas different than our own. This would make us uncomfortable. By considering only the thoughts and ideas we are in agreement with, we stay in our comfort zone. Our own biases get reinforced and reflected back at us leaving no room for any opinion but our own. By doing this, we often convince ourselves that the majority of the world shares opinion and that anyone with another opinion is, obviously, wrong.

It is only when we go outside that comfort zone, and subject ourselves to the discomfort of considering thoughts we don’t agree with, that we can make an informed judgment on any matter. We can still disagree and maintain our opinions, but we can now do so knowing that the issue has been given consideration from all four sides. Or, if we truly give fair consideration to all points of view, we may need to swallow our pride and amend our original thoughts.

And, it is only by giving consideration to the thoughts of all persons, even those that disagree with us, that we can have an understanding as to what constitutes a majority.

• “I just want myself and my family to feel that our city is safe, and right now we don't feel that way.”

I have to admit, I am somewhat puzzled by this announcement. None of the demonstrators in this city have in any way exhibited any propensity for violence or indicated, even verbally, that they would harm anyone. I can understand how you may feel that your ideologies have been questioned but I am not aware of any occurrence that would give reason for someone to feel physically threatened.

• “I have a son who I have raised to respect police officers and other authority figures, but if he comes to me today and asks "Why are the police allowing this?" I wouldn't have a good answer.”

It is somewhat perplexing when children are injected into the conversation as an attempt to bolster a position or as an attempt to thwart the position of another. While this is not the type of conversation I ordinarily engage in, here are some thoughts you may find useful as you talk with your son.

First, it is laudable that you are teaching your son respect for the police and other authority figures. However, a better lesson might be that it is the government the police serve that should be respected. The police are merely a representative of a government formed by the people for the people—for all people. Being respectful of the government would mean being respectful of all persons, no matter what their views.

Later, it might be good to point out that the government needs to be, and is, somewhat flexible, especially in situations where there are minor violations of law. A government that had zero tolerance for even minor infractions would prove unworkable in short order.

Although this is unlikely, given your zero tolerance stance, suppose that, by accident or perhaps inattention, you found yourself going 40 miles per hour in a 30 miles per hour zone and that you were stopped by a police officer. Then, after making assurances that licenses were in order and that there were no outstanding warrants, the officer asked you not to speed again and did not issue a citation, but merely sent you on your way.

As you have suggested, a question may come to you from the back seat, “How can I respect the police if they will not enforce the law?” In the event this does occur, here are some facts that might help you answer that question.

In the year 2013, our officers made over four hundred thousand vehicle stops, mostly for traffic violations. A citation was issued in only about one in six of those stops. Five of the six received warnings. This is the police exercising discretion for minor violations of the law. Few, if any, persons would argue that the police should have no discretion.

This is an explanation you might give your son. Take into account, however, that the innocence of children can produce the most profound and probing questions. They often see the world in a very clear and precise manner, their eyes unclouded by the biases life gives us. This could produce the next question. “If you believe that the police should enforce the law at all times, why didn’t you insist that the officer write you a ticket?”

I don’t have a suggestion as to how that should be answered.

I do know, however, that this is a very diverse city. Nashville, and all of America, will be even more diverse when your son becomes an adult. Certainly, tolerance, respect and consideration for the views of all persons would be valuable attributes for him to take into adulthood.

Steve Anderson
Chief of Police

Letter to the Editor in the Tenessean

Full Post on the Official Nashville website

Monday, December 01, 2014

Debian and systemd

A copy of Comment #42 on Distrowatch Weekly Issue 587, 2014-12-01

42 • Debian and systemd (by Ian on 2014-12-02 01:22:53 GMT from United States)
I'm not a DD (Debian Developer) but have been a sysadmin for a heterogeneous environment (Unix, Linux, and Windows) for a while now. I like Debian's Social Contract, DFSG, etc., and don't view it as a religion. I view it as freedom from vendor lock-in.

As someone else mentioned, Debian has been around for over 20 years now and is the upstream for a lot of the Linux ecosystem. Off the top of my head, Ted T'so (ext3/4 filesystem), Keith Packard (X.org, Wayland), Ben Hutchings (Linux 3.2 kernel branch maintainer), and a bunch of other people i'm probably forgetting are all Debian Developers.

As far as systemd goes, i'm researching CentOS 7 now as a baseline. I don't like the attitudes of some systemd advocates where someone is a "hater", or "greybeard afraid of change" because maybe they have a different use case and doesn't want to upset a production environment that's been in place for years as well as update local documentation and procedures to jump to something that's been barely around for four years. I also don't like the ad hominem attacks of some of the anti-systemd people.

Monday, June 09, 2014

Pale Blue Dot

"From this distant vantage point, the Earth might not seem of any particular interest. But for us, it's different. Consider again that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there – on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.

The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that in glory and triumph they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner. How frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds. Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity – in all this vastness – there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.

The Earth is the only world known, so far, to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment, the Earth is where we make our stand. It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known." -- Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot: A Vision of the Human Future in Space, 1997 reprint, pp. xv–xvi.

Friday, June 06, 2014

The Military Industrial Complex

"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together." -- President Dwight D. Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander during WWII.

Dwight D. Eisenhower exit speech on Jan. 17,1961 warning us of the military industrial complex

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Friday, May 30, 2014

Veterans for Peace Executive Director Michael McPhearson comment on Gwyneth Paltrow's poor comparison

Gwyneth Paltrow blasted for comparing mean Internet comments to war

Michael McPhearson, executive director of the organization Veterans for Peace, gave a more measured response.

"Ms. Paltrow like most people has never been to war or had her life in real danger so she does not know what it is like to face war," he told Yahoo. "But she does know what it is like to be afraid and to feel belittled. These are the emotions I'm sure she feels when being attacked on the internet … Because Ms. Paltrow has not been in war and she has not faced war conditions like soldiers and victims of war, she has nothing to compare her personal dehumanizing experience to other than what she imagines war to be like. Her frame of reference is extremely skewed."

McPhearson continued: "As a combat veteran and father of a son who served a tour in Iraq, I am not upset with Ms. Paltrow. I am more concerned with the flurry of attention she receives for what is really a foolish and uneducated comment, but harmless; while there is little real debate about our nation’s wars and our need to find a different way to solve conflicts so that we can stop forcing our children and children around the world to face war. Every soldier and victim of war is someone’s child. No, Ms. Paltrow has no idea what she is talking about and she unknowingly belittles the experience of service members and the victims of war. However, no one should have to face the horrors of war; yet, far too any people do, including innocent people who have done nothing wrong and have little if anything to say about why they are caught in the crossfire of U.S. war. Let’s have a flurry of controversy and debate about that"

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The volume of a pizza

The volume of a pizza of radius z and height a is pi*z*z*a.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


I suppose i've been doing a little bit of reading on the #YesAllWomen hashtag like a lot of people and after a while some of the things i read sounded strangely familiar. I realize this might sound condescending or patronizing since i am a male but i think i know, at least a little bit, about what women have been and are going through.

It's because a lot of the behavior modification that women do matched what i remember from Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection training given to deployed military.

Some of the recommended behaviors were things like changing clothes to dress more conservatively, to never travel alone especially at night, always being aware of your surroundings, never let your possessions leave your sight, etc., are pretty much an exact match.

There is one major difference in the AT/FP recommendations. It is to disregard any preconceived notions of who could be a threat. Any man, woman, or child could be carrying a weapon (conventional firearm, bomb, knife, etc.).

In case you're curious the "JS Guide 5260" or "CJCS Guide 5260" is Public Domain and should be easy to find.

Tuesday, May 06, 2014

To Mr. Tal Fortgang

I don't consider myself a blogger or whatever but since Mr. Tal Fortgang's essay has shown up on my feed multiple times, i felt a bit compelled to write an open letter.

Mr. Tal Fortgang,

I have to say first i agree that "Check your privilege." is a trite phrase and should not be used to try to stifle discussion or debate.

I also absolutely agree that you should feel no personal responsibility for slavery, lynchings, internment camps, etc. and that you should not be expected to apologize for any of those things.

I most definitely agree that people should not judge other people solely on physical appearance and that it is the content of their character that matters most.

I will also agree that a good work ethic and self-discipline are key to success.

There are some things that i would like some clarification on since i think there are some privileges you may not have been aware of having.

Have you ever had the privilege of not being asked to "Go back to wherever you came from?" or questioned about whether you're a "real American"?

I also would be curious if you have the privilege of not being illegally detained and frisked on suspicion of shoplifting if you  happened to decide to not buy anything from a store:


I honestly don't know if you wear a yarmulke or if you've ever appeared in court, but if you do, i'm fairly certain the judge wouldn't tell you to remove "that rag" off your head like what happened to Mr. Jageet Singh, a Sikh in Mississippi:


I also hope that in the event that if you ever have a medical alert device and it inadvertently triggers in your own home, you also have the privilege of not being being hit with beanbags, tasered, then shot and killed by police officers like Mr. Kenneth Chamberlain, Sr. :



I hope i didn't come off as being too sarcastic in my past few statements but i sincerely want to emphasize that although the days of lynching parties and other such deplorable things are thankfully over, there is still progress to be made in the realm of human dignity and human rights.  I think that perhaps the first step is free and open communication and discussion and rational discourse with a bit of empathy and compassion.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Installing Debian GNU/Linux 7 Wheezy on a Sun Fire V240

I've been a user of Debian GNU/Linux on my personal machines for a long time now and have recently been able to start offically deploying Linux servers in my work environment.  I'm not sure why i've generally just been limiting myself to lurking.

A request showed up on the Debian Sparc mailing list for help with keeping the port alive and since i have access to an UltraSparc server that's not being used anymore, i decided to set one up and see what i can do.

I'm not sure why the d-i (Debian Installer) seems to have had a reputation for being difficult or limiting.  To me, it's a consequence of Debian supporting more architectures than most other Linux distributions and supporting multiple installation methods including installing on systems without a video card

It's probably considered obsolete by today's standards and is a bit of a power hog but it's nice to get away from x86 stuff once in a while.

Sun Fire V240

CPU(s): Sun UltraSparc IIIi 1.33 GHz

RAM: 2048 MiB Registered ECC DDR

Video Graphics Adapter: None

Network: 4 x Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5704 Gigabit Ethernet

Note: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5704 requires non-free firmware for full-operation

Storage Direct Attached Storage Internal Optical Disc Drive 1 x Slimeline DVD-ROM

Storage Direct Attached Storage Internal 4 x 3.5 in. 9.1 GiB SCSI HDD

OS (Operating System)

Debian GNU/Linux 7 Wheezy Sparc
Initial Install

boot CD Debian GNU/Linux 7.1 Wheezy Sparc netinst

NOTE: There is no video card on this server. Using Serial Console to install.

at OpenBoot "ok" prompt:

boot cdrom

at Debian Installer "boot" prompt:


"Debian installer main menu" > "Choose Language" > "English - English" > "United States" > "United States - en_US.UTF-8" > enter "135 136" to enable additional support for locales "en_US" and "en_US.ISO-8859-15" > "Continue" > set default locale as "en_US.UTF-8"

"Select a keyboard layout" > "2. No keyboard to configure"

"Detect and Mount CD-ROM" >

"Load installer components from CD" >

"Additional Components:" > "1" for" cfdisk"

"Detect network hardware" >

"2. No" for "Load missing firmware from removable media?" >

"1. eth0: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5704 Gigabit Ethernet" for "Primary network interface" >

"Configure the network" > "No" to "Auto-configure network with DHCP" > "x.x.x.x" for "IP adddress" > "x.x.x.x" for "Netmask" > "x.x.x.x" for "Gateway" > "x.x.x.x y.y.y.y" for "Name server addresses" > "Yes" if information is correct > "abcd" for "Hostname" > "example.com" for "Domain name"

"Set up users and passwords" > "Yes" for "Enable shadow passwords" > "Yes" for "Allow login as root" > enter and confirm password for root user > "Yes" for "Create a normal user account now"

created normal user

"Configure the clock" > "Yes" for "Set the clock using NTP" > "ntp.example.com" for "NTP server to use" > "Eastern" for "Select your time zone"

"Detect Disks" >

"Partition disks" > "Manual" for "Partitioning method:" > select "SCSI1 (0,0,0 (sda) > "Yes" to "Create new empty partition table on this device?" > "sun" for "Partition table type:" > do the partition table for other disk "SCSI1 (0,1,0) (sdb)" > etc. etc.

Looks like can't do software raid on /boot due to SILO bootloader, allocated empty partitions on other disks equal to /boot to keep disk alignment the same on all drives, RAID 6 with LVM for root and swap

"Finish partitioning and write changes to disk" > "Yes" if all settings look ok.

"Install the base system"

"linux-image-sparc64" for "Kernel to install" > "generic" for "Drivers to include in the initrd"

"Choose a mirror of the Debian archive" > "http" for "Protocol for file downloads" > "United States" for "Debian archive mirror country" > "ftp.us.debian.org" for "Debian archive mirror" > leave blank "HTTP proxy information"

"Configure the package manager" > "Yes" for "Use non-free software" > check "security updates" and "volatile updates" for "services to use"

"Select and install software" > "No" for "Participate in package usage survey" > "No" for "Should man mandb be installed 'setuid man'?" > check only "SSH server" and "Standard system utilities" for "Choose software to install"

"Install the SILO boot loader on a hard disk" >

"Finish the installation" > "Yes" for "Is the system clock set to UTC?" > "Continue"

Post-Install Configuration

edited /etc/hosts.deny and /etc/hosts.allow after making backup copies to only allow access for local network

edited for clarity /etc/apt/sources.list after making backup copy

a little housekeeping, this clears the screen when you log out as root "cp -p /etc/skel/.bash_logout ~/"

Edited /etc/adduser.conf after making backup copy so new users will get added to supplementary groups

Reconfigure local MTA exim "dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config"  >


aptitude install firmware-linux-nonfree

filesystem utilities

Support for POSIX ACLs and Extended Attributes

Note: XFS as well as JFS has built-in support for these, so there is no need to edit /etc/fstab options like for ext3 or ext4.

aptitude install acl attr bsdtar


aptitude install ntp

edit /etc/ntp.conf to add timeserver

SCSI tools

aptitude install lsscsi