Wednesday, May 28, 2014


I suppose i've been doing a little bit of reading on the #YesAllWomen hashtag like a lot of people and after a while some of the things i read sounded strangely familiar. I realize this might sound condescending or patronizing since i am a male but i think i know, at least a little bit, about what women have been and are going through.

It's because a lot of the behavior modification that women do matched what i remember from Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection training given to deployed military.

Some of the recommended behaviors were things like changing clothes to dress more conservatively, to never travel alone especially at night, always being aware of your surroundings, never let your possessions leave your sight, etc., are pretty much an exact match.

There is one major difference in the AT/FP recommendations. It is to disregard any preconceived notions of who could be a threat. Any man, woman, or child could be carrying a weapon (conventional firearm, bomb, knife, etc.).

In case you're curious the "JS Guide 5260" or "CJCS Guide 5260" is Public Domain and should be easy to find.

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