Monday, December 01, 2014

Debian and systemd

A copy of Comment #42 on Distrowatch Weekly Issue 587, 2014-12-01

42 • Debian and systemd (by Ian on 2014-12-02 01:22:53 GMT from United States)
I'm not a DD (Debian Developer) but have been a sysadmin for a heterogeneous environment (Unix, Linux, and Windows) for a while now. I like Debian's Social Contract, DFSG, etc., and don't view it as a religion. I view it as freedom from vendor lock-in.

As someone else mentioned, Debian has been around for over 20 years now and is the upstream for a lot of the Linux ecosystem. Off the top of my head, Ted T'so (ext3/4 filesystem), Keith Packard (, Wayland), Ben Hutchings (Linux 3.2 kernel branch maintainer), and a bunch of other people i'm probably forgetting are all Debian Developers.

As far as systemd goes, i'm researching CentOS 7 now as a baseline. I don't like the attitudes of some systemd advocates where someone is a "hater", or "greybeard afraid of change" because maybe they have a different use case and doesn't want to upset a production environment that's been in place for years as well as update local documentation and procedures to jump to something that's been barely around for four years. I also don't like the ad hominem attacks of some of the anti-systemd people.

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